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This article was written on 19 Mar 2012, and is filled under Orion Maxted (Berlin via London).

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Orion Maxted does Banana Banana at notsuoH

Saturday afternoon a van full of performance artists from around the world pulls up to the Fiesta Mart at Studemont and 14th. Mission BANANA. Later that night Orion Maxted includes Houston at notsuoH as his latest testing ground.

Orion Maxted at notsuoH, photo courtesy of Alex Barber

Orion Maxted at notsuoH, photo courtesy of Alex Barber

Orion Maxted at notsuoH, photo courtesy of Alex Barber

Orion Maxted at notsuoH, photo courtesy of Alex Barber

Tina McPherson and Orion Maxted at notsuoH, photo courtesy of Alex Barber

Tina McPherson and Orion Maxted at notsuoH, photo courtesy of Alex Barber

Jim Pirtle in Orion Maxted's Bananba Banana, photo courtesy Herb Melichar

Jim Pirtle in Orion Maxted’s Bananba Banana

Orion Maxted and Ms. Pirtle during Banana Banana, courtesy of Ben DeSoto

Orion Maxted and Ms. Pirtle during Banana Banana, courtesy of Ben DeSoto

Orion Maxted, Banana Banana at notsuoh, photo courtesy of Alex Barber

Orion Maxted, Banana Banana at notsuoh, photo courtesy of Alex Barber

Orion Maxted Website

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