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Posts Tagged "Houston International Performance Art Biennale"

Check out all of the posts tagged with "Houston International Performance Art Biennale".

La Pocha Nostra at Notsuoh, by Robert Boyd

La Pocha Nostra at Notsuoh, by Robert Boyd

“I thought about Emma Hart’s 18th century proto-performance art as I watched La Pocha Nostra perform Corpo Insurrecto at Notsuoh on the third night of the Lone Star Performance Explosion. The large open second floor […]

Mar, 02
Elia Arce at Art League Houston

Elia Arce at Art League Houston

“..the sense of emotional crisis was loud and clear. The prone figure was the anonymous, venerated victim, an appropriate beginning for a night largely concerned with evoking, celebrating, and perpetrating victimization in various forms” Click […]

Mar, 02

Abel Azcona at Art League Houston

“I appreciate that its danger was its power. I appreciate that Azcona was using this technique to force his audience into his piece, confronting each of us with an unwitnessable act, compelling us to intervene, […]

Mar, 02


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